
Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University

Faculty of Medicine,Andalas University ( Indonesia :Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas) is is the eldest medical education facility outside Java. In fact, it was established preceding the establishment of Andalas University. The faculty was founded on September 7th, 1955 in Bukittinggi.

The faculty offers a 3.5 years- undergraduate course (academic program) on basic medical science for Bachelor of Medicine degree and a 1.5-year training of physician candidate (professional program) for Medical Doctor degree in 14 Clinical Departments at Main Teaching Hospitals RSUP Dr.M.Djamil,Padang and another teaching hospital affiliated with Faculty of Medicine Andalas University in another district in West Sumatera.

Preclinical year (Bachelor of Medicine program)

Preclinical Students

Faculty Of Medicine, Andalas university has conducted his medical education on basic medical science since 2004 by Problem Based Learning (PBL) Curriculum. It is a student-centered instructional strategy in which students collaboratively solve problems and reflects on their experience. Faculty emphasized students learn independently and give their own perspective on every subject. Lecture, group discussion, clinical skills lab, practical work in laboratory, field work is main activity in Preclinical years. Preclinical years divided in 21 blocks in 3.5 years. After they’ve finished 21 blocks, they will graduate as Bachelor of Medicine (Indonesia : Sarjana Kedokteran).

Clinical Clerkship (Indonesia : Kepaniteraan Klinik)

Clinical Students

Our Clinical Clerkship is conducted in 1.5 years. Clinical Students or young doctors (Indonesia : Dokter Muda or Co-ass) will interact with real patients under the supervision of senior physicians. They will do clinical examination, physical diagnosis, understand patient’s clinical manifestation and make a diagnosis and decide patient’s treatment on their own. They also have to assist surgery and others medical procedures. But their evaluation and recommendation will be reviewed and approved by resident and attending doctors.

Clinical Student performs surgery

Clinical Students are required to rotate through different medical specialties in 14 Departments in Our main teaching hospital, RSUP Dr.M.Djamil and another teaching hospital in another district. Clinical Student may also be required work on weekends and to be on call.

The Central General Hospital Dr.M.Djamil (RSUP Dr.M.Djamil)

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