Welcome to Indonesia,
Welcome to West Sumatera, Land of Minangkabau! :)
The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) CIMSA Faculty Of Medicine,Andalas University, was the first Standing Committee in CIMSA, and since its establishment in 2001, had already accept many incoming students around the world, doing clinical electives in Dr.M.Djamil Central General Hospital (RSUP Dr.M.Djamil). We proudly offer the exchange program for foreign students in order to improve their medical knowledge ; practical and theoretical, while at the same time, giving them immense opportunity to get acquainted with Indonesian cultures and health system.
This website will give you all information about SCOPE exchange program and Clinical Electives which offered by SCOPE CIMSA FK UNAND. We hope this website could help you and encourage you to join our exchange program and Clinical Electives.
Lastly, as Local Exchange Officer (LEO) SCOPE CIMSA FK UNAND for incoming and outgoing students, on behalf of SCOPE, from bottom of my heart, would like to give our warmest hand and hug, greetings you as our new sibling. We really hope that you consider living in Indonesia as living in your home country. Feels Like home. And we really hope that during this program, you will get all experiences that you want. Best wishes for you.
Eventually, we would like to say , enjoy your Exchange time and Have great experiences.
We always greet special people like you, because your coming is our happiness.
Best Regards
Tristika Aulia S. and Mahaputri Ulva Lestari
Local Exchange Officer (LEO) for Incoming and Outgoing
Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE)
Centre for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA)
Faculty of Medicine Andalas University
Tristika Aulia S. and Mahaputri Ulva Lestari
Local Exchange Officer (LEO) for Incoming and Outgoing
Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE)
Centre for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA)
Faculty of Medicine Andalas University